4 Key Steps in the Planning Phase for Office Renovations
Office renovations require careful planning. Here are a few critical steps to consider before anyone picks up a hammer.
From time to time, you’ll want to renovate your workplace–freshen up the look and feel, change up the space, and add functionality or style for broader appeal. When it’s time to upgrade your office, you may not know where to start. There are a lot of factors to consider, and while you may be a professional in your industry, renovations aren’t your specialty. Luckily, we’re here to help you through your office renovations with these four steps in the planning phase.
1. Set your project’s parameters
Before you even think about beginning, you should have a good idea of your project’s goals and timeline. Make a list of what you hope to accomplish, and rank it in order of importance. Depending on the budget and/or time you’re able to set aside, you may only be able to complete one or two renovations at a time, so make sure that you have a realistic plan for your upgrades in advance–and with your list, you’ll be able to easily choose the top projects to focus on if you need to narrow down. Once you know what you’d ideally like to do, do your research to see how long these projects will take on average, and set a timeline that makes sense for the project and for your workplace environment.
2. Hire your contractors
A great renovation requires a great team, so be sure to do your research well in advance to find the right service providers for your project. Make sure their prices fit your budget and give an appropriate return on investment.
Research your short list by checking references, testimonials and media mentions to make sure they have the qualifications and experience you’re looking for. Once you’ve chosen a couple likely contenders, interview them and ask questions. Things you need to know include what type of projects they specialize in (dental, medical, healthcare related?) and if they’ve done projects that are similar to yours in the past. It’s also important to find out how they’ll handle any issues that arise. An honest, knowledgeable contractor will be happy to answer any questions you have.
3. Choose your new styles carefully
When customizing your chosen upgrades, there are many factors to take into consideration. For example, what kind of office do you have currently, and what industry are you in? In a more client-facing business, you’ll want to be sure to renovate your entry space if needed and/or to have visitors’ comfort in mind. What company culture do you have? Certain colors are known to stimulate different mind frames for employees. Additionally, your choice to add or remove large fixtures could greatly impact the feel of an open or sectioned office. Decide what you want early. The new styles, pieces, and furnishings you choose should serve to enhance your current workspace and atmosphere.
4. Prepare for setbacks
As you may well know, no project ever goes completely as planned. You can set yourself up for success, still, though, by being as prepared as possible for the possible hurdles along the way. To understand the full scope of possibilities, research previous renovations to see what mistakes you can avoid from the start. Don’t be caught unawares and without a budget to fix mistakes if they do arise, though: experts will tell you to set aside 10 – 15% of the budget for unexpected expenses. By giving yourself extra padding in each area of your plan, from timeline to budget, to style (by having alternatives), you’ll be able to address any issues quickly, easily, and painlessly.
Now that you have your starting steps for your next office renovation from experts in the office space field, don’t hesitate to contact us today.
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