4 Surefire Ways to Grow Your Medical Practice or Health Clinic
When operating a successful business, one of the goals on your mind is to increase the value of your practice, whether you’re a physician, dentist, optometrist, chiropractor or any other type of health-related practitioner. With that in mind, here are some surefire ways increase the value of your practice, get more clients and to keep your business going strong, today and in the future.
1. Renovate & Renew
As the old saying goes, it’s cheaper to keep an existing customer rather than seek out a new client. In this light, have you looked around your office lately? Is the atmosphere friendly? Is the furniture, décor and medical equipment old and outdated? In today’s tech-savvy world, having a dated environment and stone age tools are likely to have your customer base drawing closer to extinction rather than expansion.
While many medical providers are apprehensive about refurbishing their office space due to the expense, some are also concerned about the downtime for patients when their practice will be closed for a lengthy remodel. But in some cases, you can find specialty programs that guarantee your office renovation and remodel program will have your doors open and back to your practice in less than two weeks.
2. Get Connected Online
While you’re looking around your office, when is the last time you checked out your website? Is it optimized for mobile traffic? With the advent and explosive adaptation of smartphones and other handheld devices (78% in Canada), if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you might as well not even have one.
Adding a few social media channels, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn is also a great way to reach out to new and existing patients. You could also encourage your patients to offer their positive reviews on sites like Yelp or Google Plus whose users are often checking these comments when seeking a new service providers. Just like the Yellow Pages in the “olden days”, maintaining positive online reviews is a must for any business nowadays.
3. Customer Service
Whether you have a receptionist or qualified medical assistants, your front end team are your brand ambassadors. They are always the first impression your practice gives to your patients when they arrive and are often the last interaction they have before leaving the office. Make sure that they are well-trained and likable.
If you feel your practice is experiencing a skills or service gap, there are dozens of healthcare training services available for your staff, many of which are online and can be accessed from home or at the office.
4. Communication
While no customer wants to talk with their healthcare practitioner on a daily basis, keeping open lines of communication with patients is important. Consider some of these ways of staying in touch with your patients without being overly intrusive.
- Online communication: Offer a monthly digital newsletter. Newsletters can keep your practice top of mind as well as upsell other services. Remember to include an easy “opt-out” options for those that don’t want to be disturbed.
- A Blog and/or FAQ: Many seeking additional information, looking for options or have questions will seek out a provider’s blog or FAQ page (frequently asked questions). This way they can get information on their own terms and schedule. Usually a post a week is all it takes to keep readers intrigued.
- Think outside the box: When it comes to social media platforms, think outside the norm. Perhaps you’re a dentist and you could have a Pinterest account that displays healthy, happy smiles. Or if you’re an orthodontist, with a patient’s permission, you could showcase before and after photos of your success.
If you’re looking to renovate your office or medical space, please contact us today and we can discuss the many affordable options with you or any of your staff.
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