How to Promote Productivity Through Office Space Design
Employee wellness is affected by many factors. Here’s how to improve your employees’ well-being and productivity through office space design.
The design of your workplace isn’t simply about the way that your office looks. Beneath the umbrella of office design are a variety of other factors. This includes the wellbeing of your employees. Now, you may be wondering how we got from design to wellbeing. Well, think of it this way: design includes lighting, furniture, color, layout and air quality, all of which can affect the way that your employees feel and, thus, how well they work. You would like a productive workplace, right? Well, consider these elements to create a workplace that creates good morale and work ethic.
Natural lighting is currently quite popular and modern, within good reason.
- It exposes your employees to natural sunlight.
- This replicates being out in nature and a calm, peaceful atmosphere.
- Natural lighting is also quite beautiful and can encourage a positive environment.
- Granted, depending on the location of your office, natural lighting may not be feasible.
- When natural lighting is not an option, consider bright, modern lighting fixtures in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes.
When you think furniture, you think practicality, the arrangement of the furniture and comfort.
- Modern office furniture comes in a variety of styles, shapes, degrees of comfort and colors. Consider a combination of firm office seating that will encourage productivity, as well as plush, relaxing seating with footrests for more casual gatherings and breaks.
- Incorporating both wood and metal frames for your seating can create a sleek, eclectic look, which can create a correlation between your business and forward-thinking.
- Furniture is also an excellent means of incorporating color into your workplace, such as a pop of mustard yellow or olive.
Office layout can produce a variety of atmospheres within your workplace.
- The arrangement of the furniture, lighting fixtures and such can reflect the practical use of the space, for example, as well as evoke different moods.
- A space that is open encourages fluidity of movement and fewer barriers between coworkers can create a greater sense of teamwork, which may be ideal for a more social, upbeat workplace.
- In contrast, a space that encourages privacy can create a greater sense of intimacy, which may be ideal for a quieter, more peaceful workplace.
Air Quality
When it comes to air quality, this is a matter of physical health, which can also affect well-being.
- Poor ventilation, for example, will lead to poor air quality.
- And when the air quality is poor, employees may be more likely to leave work early.
- In addition, sickness can occur, which will lead to an inevitable decrease in work quality, positivity and overall happiness.
When designing your workplace, it is important to consider a variety of factors. Not only is the appearance of the space important but also the functionality, the effects on both mental and physical well-being, and the image that you want to be associated with your business.
To make your dream office space a reality, contact Antham for a consultation. We are a family-owned operation that values quality workmanship and customer service, whether you are looking to redesign your office or start from scratch. We will ensure that your space reflects the values of your organization.
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