Property Manager, Facilities Manager or Office Manager – What’s the Difference?
As you consider the needs for your renovated office space, you may find that you are not quite certain about how to proceed in the next steps of maintaining your facility. Do you need a property manager, facilities manager or office manager – or a combination?
Although all of these positions are related to the office space in some way, their roles and area of attention and focus are very different. How do their jobs differ? Does your office need to fill all of these positions?
Property Manager
A property manager is responsible for the building on behalf of the owner of the property. In a situation where a building houses many different offices, a property manager is essential. A property manager would be responsible for being a liaison between the renters and the building owner. He or she would collect rent for the owner and make sure the property is maintained and keeps its value. They are responsible to the owner of the building or the investors in the property. Certification is available for property managers through the Institute of Real Estate Management.
Facilities Manager
A facility manager’s role is to ensure that everything in a company’s office space is working properly. They are responsible for the office design, the furnishings and the assets. They also work with contractors as necessary for construction, plumbing, recycling, and food service. They are hired by the company to care for their immediate facilities. Certification and training are available to facilities managers through the International Facilities Management Association.
Office Manager
An office manager is the most involved with company personnel. Like the facilities manager, the office manager is hired by a particular company. This position can overlap and involve interaction with both a facilities and property manager. For example, if employees need to have something fixed or furnishings changed, the office manager may communicate this to the facilities manager. If a payment is due on the property, the office manager may handle that payment to the property manager. The office manager is responsible for the daily administrative needs in the office such as time cards, training, and writing reports. There are many institutions that offer degrees or certification in office management at the associate or masters levels.
An Antham, we pride ourselves on understanding not only how to build your office renovation, but how to build a comprehensive team that will service your needs long after your reno is complete. Contact us if you have a new project on the horizon.
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